Crazy Eights

✅ Play crazy eights online or offline – Internet is not required!
✅ No squinting! Graphics of cards and game table are large and clear.
✅ Simple rules – suitable for kids and family-friendly.
✅ Multiple game variations – Crazy Jacks and Crazy Aces!
✅ Two player or four player games (vs. computer).
✅ See how you rank in the list of crazies on the Leaderboard.
✅ Go bonkers with the Achievements based on number of victories.
✅ Scoring is set. No number crunching required.
✅ Compatible with Android phones and tablets.
Prepare to go bananas with this popular card game – CRAZY EIGHTS!
While the concept of CRAZY8s has assumed many other names one thing is certain – THIS VERSION is as fresh as they come!
YOUR GOAL IN CRAZY EIGHTS ; shed your cards as quickly as possible by matching the rank or suit with the top card on the discard pile. The player who sheds all their cards first, WINS.
CRAZY8s is a FAST MOVING, HEART-IN-YOUR-THROAT game you will want to play again and again – all the way to the Looney Bin!
CRAZY EIGHTS is family-friendly. Great for kids! Instructions are simple enough for enjoyable play upon the very first game!